Future Focus Initiative

Focus on Energy’s Future Focus process reviews new concepts and technologies that have the potential to expand the range and value of services available to Wisconsinites, as well as help the program achieve desired outcomes of energy savings, customer satisfaction, and/or market transformation. The process also helps test offerings for future expansion/inclusion in the Focus on Energy Program portfolio. The team screens these ideas every quarter. Any questions about future opportunities may be directed to futurefocus@focusonenergy.com.

Pilot Program and Demonstration Projects

Pilot Programs and Demonstration Projects

It is important to continually engage in experimenting and researching new ideas, pilot programs, technologies, and delivery methods to support the viability of Focus on Energy into the future. Once tested these opportunities may be added to the program portfolio.

Annually, Focus on Energy hosts Pitch Day, an opportunity for industry partners and stakeholders to showcase energy efficiency or renewable energy pilot program ideas to a panel of judges in an interactive way.

Residential homes

Emerging Technology

This initiative includes the Emerging Technology Accelerator, which looks at new technologies for residential and commercial businesses, and the Industrial Technology Accelerator, which focuses on understanding technologies most beneficial to industrial operations. Technologies identified undergo an initial screening, and if they meet the opportunity threshold, they advance to comprehensive review.

Demonstrated Technologies Overview

The Future Focus team has reviewed the energy savings, technical feasibility, and market potential of the following technologies.

Emerging Technologies in Review

The Future Focus team is reviewing the energy savings, technical feasibility, and market potential of the following technologies:

  • Alternative Form Factor Heat pumps
  • Smart HVAC Systems
  • Refrigeration Thermal Energy Storage and Advanced Control
  • Efficient Dual- Fuel Rooftop Units
  • Static Thermal Mass Strategies for Grocery Stores
  • Residential Storage Source Heat Pumps
  • Energy Efficient Windows

    Environmental & Economic Research & Development Projects

    Environmental & Economic Research and Development Program

    Focus on Energy supports energy efficiency and renewable energy research through the Environmental & Economic Research and Development Program (EERD). EERD research projects allow Wisconsin to further its efforts towards reducing energy waste, costs, and environmental impacts. EERD projects are selected through a targeted competitive request for proposals (RFP) process that occurs approximately once per year. Focus on Energy also accepts research concepts or ideas on a rolling basis.

    Residential homes on street

    Future Focus Newsletters

    Archived Research Projects

    Wisconsin Wastewater Treatment Plant Market Assessment
    The evaluation team conducted a market assessment of Wisconsin’s wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) by analyzing response data from the Compliance Annual…
    Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pump Market Assessment and Savings Review Report
    Market Research Author(s)Rich Hasselman & Steve Drake InstitutionTetra Tech DateFri, 12/30/2016 - 08:00Executive Summary Download: Ductless Mini-Split Heat…
    Renewable Energy Assessment of Photovoltaics at High Penetration on Peak Demand and Annual Energy Use
    Author(s) Klein, S.A., Reindl, D.T., Nellis, G.F. Institution UW-Madison, Dept. of Mech Engineering Executive Summary …
    Commercial Light Level Analysis in Buildings
    Author(s) Scott Schuetter Institution Seventhwave Date Wed, 10/31/2018 - 10:40 Executive Summary Light…
    Renewable Energy Characterizing the Renewable Energy Landscape in Wisconsin
    Author(s) Jonathan Hoechst & Lisa Stefanik Institution Tetra Tech Date Thu, 09/20/2018 - 08:40 Executive…
    Mercury Mercury Chemistry in Power Plant Plumes
    Author(s) Levin, Leonard Institution EPRI Executive Summary Download: Executive Summary [PDF] Full Report …
    Program Design Wisconsin Building Code Analysis: Identifying Low-Cost, High-Impact Measures
    Author(s) Hicks, Amalia; Linn, Graham; Morner, Svein; DeRocher, Andy; Harris, Alex Institution Sustainable Engineering Group, LLC Full…
    Program Design Find and Flip: Motivating High Energy Users to Save Energy
    Author(s) Keene, Ashleigh; Loew, Emily; Bensch, Ingo; Shukla, Raj; Kuntz, Kathy Institution Cool Choices and Energy Center of Wisconsin …
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