IRA Home Energy Rebates

At this time, federally funded Home Energy Rebates are not yet available. These rebates will likely be available as early as summer 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions Program Status

Welcome to your one stop for Wisconsin IRA Home Energy Rebates information.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently released guidance for states to develop programs. Wisconsin is beginning work on program design. Focus on Energy has been chosen by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to deliver IRA Home Energy Rebate Programs. We are currently targeting a program launch in summer of 2024. As program details become available, this page will be updated.

Looking for home energy improvement assistance today? You may be eligible for other programs including tax credits, the Weatherization Assistance Programs, and Focus on Energy rebates and discounts.

Home Energy Rebates
Federally Funded Rebate Programs

As part of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Wisconsin has been allocated $149 million for Home Energy Rebates. Rebates will be provided through two programs: 1) Home Efficiency Rebates (HOMES), and 2) Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR). Rebates are expected to be available as early as summer 2024 in Wisconsin. The IRA Guidebook gives information on the legislation passed.

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Home Efficiency Rebates

The Home Efficiency Rebate Program will provide rebates to reduce the price of energy-saving, whole-home improvements, such as insulation and efficient heating and cooling equipment in existing single-family and multifamily buildings.

Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates

The Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate Program will provide instant discounts to households installing heat pumps and other efficient electric equipment to help further electrify their homes. Additional qualified improvements include insulation, air sealing, and upgraded electrical panels. This program will be available to Wisconsin residents in single-family homes and multifamily buildings, earning 150% of Area Median Income (AMI) or less.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    1 Are rebates available yet?

    We are pleased to announce the Department of Energy (DOE) has approved both Wisconsin’s proposed HOMES and HEAR applications. While IRA Home Energy Rebates are NOT yet available, residents can expect rebates to be available as early as summer 2024.

    2 Program Status: What is the process for getting these programs launched in Wisconsin?

    The program planning team drew on input from stakeholder outreach sessions in winter 2024 to prepare a draft of Wisconsin’s application materials for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The PSC reviewed the draft application along with a memorandum outlining key policy decisions at their open meeting in April 2024 and approved the submission to DOE. Wisconsin’s applications for both programs were submitted in early May and were DOE approved summer 2024.

    3 How much money might I be able to receive for a home energy project?

    IRA Home Energy Rebates consist of two programs: the Home Efficiency Rebate Program (HOMES) and the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate Program (HEAR). Each program has different federal requirements and maximum rebate amounts. Low-income households, households making less than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI), are provided higher rebates as it may be harder to afford improvements to save energy in the home.

    The updated table below reflects the Commission’s decisions. These decisions are now pending final review and approval by DOE.

    The Home Efficiency Rebate Program

    The Home Efficiency Rebate Program is a whole home, performance-based program. A home energy assessment and modeling will be required. Rebate amounts are based on how much energy a household is predicted to save by making recommended improvements.

    Single Family

    Modeled Energy Savings
    Income Level
    Rebate Amount
    Rebate Cap

    20% - 34%

    Less than 80% AMI
    100% of project cost
    Up to $5,000
    Between 80% AMI and 150% AMI
    50% of project cost
    Up to $2,000
    Greater than 150% AMI
    50% of project cost
    Up to $1,500

    35% or greater

    Less than 80% AMI
    100% of project cost
    Up to $10,000
    Between 80% AMI and 150% AMI
    50% of project cost
    Up to $4,000
    Greater than 150% AMI
    50% of project cost
    Up to $3,000


    Modeled Energy Savings
    Income Level
    Rebate Amount
    Rebate Cap

    20% - 34%

    Household or whole building with at least 50% of households with incomes less than 80% AMI
    Up to 100% of project cost
    Up to $5,000
    A building with at least 50% of households with incomes between 80% to 150% AMI
    Up to $2,000 per dwelling unit
    Up to $200,000 per building
    Household or whole building with at least 50% of households with incomes greater than 150% AMI
    Up to $1,500 per dwelling unit
    Up to $200,000 per building

    35% or greater

    Household or whole building with at least 50% of households with incomes less than 80% AMI
    Up to 100% of project cost
    Up to $10,000 per dwelling unit
    A building with at least 50% of households with incomes between 80% to 150% AMI
    Up to $4,000 per dwelling unit
    Up to $400,000 per building
    Household or whole building with at least 50% of households with incomes greater than 150% AMI
    Up to $3,000 per dwelling unit
    Up to $400,000 per building

    Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate Program

    The Electrification and Appliance Rebate Program offers rebates for installing qualifying equipment. A single household cannot receive more than $14,000 total in rebate dollars from this program. High income households (>150% AMI) are not eligible for this program.

    Type of Home Energy Project

    Households below 80% AMI

    Households between 80% and 150% AMI

    Households above 150% AMI

    Home Electrification Project Qualified Technologies

    Only households with an income below 150% AMI are eligible.
    100% of project costs up to $14,000 50% of project costs up to $14,000 Not Applicable
    ENERGY STAR electric heat pump water heater up to $1,750
    ENERGY STAR electric heat pump for space heating up to $8,000
    ENERGY STAR electric heat pump clothes dryer up to $840*
    ENERGY STAR electric stove, cooktop, range, oven to to $840*
    Electrical load service center (electrical panel) up to $4,000
    Electrical Wiring up to $2,500
    Insulation, air sealing, ventilation up to $1,600

    *A household's combined rebate for a qualifying electric stove, range, or oven AND a heat pump clothes dryer cannot exceed $840 in total.

    DOE has posted a fact sheet to help consumers understand the types of incentives available to them under all Home Energy Rebates Programs.

    4 Am I eligible to receive federally funded Home Energy Rebates?

    All Wisconsin residents completing qualified energy efficiency upgrades in single-family and multifamily buildings will likely be eligible for Home Efficiency Rebates. Households below 80% of the area median income will be eligible for higher rebates.

    A low- or moderate-income household, where the total annual income is less than 150% of the area median income, is eligible for Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates if you meet one of the following:

    • Live in a low- or moderate-income household.
    • Own a multifamily building with low- or moderate-income households comprising at least 50% of the building's units.

    Note: A single household address may not receive a rebate from both the Home Efficiency Rebate and the Home Electrification and Appliance Program for the same upgrade or equipment type. However, projects receiving rebates from either of these programs may also be eligible to receive Focus on Energy rebates.

    5 I recently completed work on my home to save energy and money. How can I apply to receive a rebate ?

    Per federal guidance, retroactive rebates will not be available for the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate (HEAR) Program.

    Federal guidance does require states to offer retroactive rebates for Home Efficiency Rebate (HOMES) Program projects initiated on or after August 16, 2022, that meet certain requirements.

    To be eligible for retroactive rebates through the HOMES program, projects will need to meet ALL federal and state requirements. Federal requirements can be reviewed on the DOE’s Retroactivity Fact Sheet. Additional State requirements were approved at the Commission’s open meeting on April 25th and are now subject to DOE’s final review and approval.

    Be sure to keep any project documentation, including any assessment reports and itemized contractor invoices. Also, keep documentation on the equipment that was replaced. Once the HOMES program is available to Wisconsin residents, you can check if your prior project meets program requirements to receive a rebate.

    Wisconsin HOMES Retroactive Rebate Requirements

    The DOE provided states with their minimum requirements to determine if a project is eligible to receive a retroactive HOMES program rebate in the form of a Retroactivity for Consumers Checklist. The Commission approved two additional requirements to help screen projects for retroactive rebate qualification. The DOE’s review of Wisconsin’s HOMES program application will occur over the next few months.

    The full list of the proposed requirements to determine eligibility to receive a retroactive HOMES program rebate under review by the DOE for their final approval are listed below.

    1. The retrofit began on or after August 16, 2022.
    2. A home assessment was conducted prior to the retrofit that recorded each of the following:
      1. Dwelling type
      2. Performance of efficiency of the dwelling unit and its components, materials (such as insulation), and systems
      3. Existing equipment, materials, or systems to be replaced.
    3. The contractor identified the new equipment, systems, or materials proposed for installation and modeled the energy savings based on those measures.
    4. Prior to initiating the retrofit, the contractor produced an energy savings estimate using a DOE-approved modeling software consistent with BPI 2400 and based on an energy savings model calibrated to the dwelling unit’s historical energy use.
    5. The modeled energy savings estimate met or exceeded 20 percent of total dwelling unit’s energy use.
    6. The contractor obtained written acknowledgement from the customer of the proposed project’s estimated impact on household energy costs and consumption, including an estimate in dollars of the energy savings in the first year based on current utility rates at the dwelling unit.
    7. The contractor obtained written acknowledgement from the consumer of the remaining payment amount they will owe after applying the Home Efficiency rebate.
    8. The contractor provided the total cost of all upgrades within a completed project invoice inclusive of any rebated amount.
    9. The retrofit included at least one major upgrade as defined in the Program Requirements and Application Instructions, Section 2.1.
    10. Did not include generation technologies.
    11. Collected all data required in the Data & Tools Requirements Guide.
    12. If seeking a rebate amount requiring income-verification based on categorical eligibility, the customer must provide documentation of enrollment in a recognized program within the preceding 24 months of the project being completed.
    13. An application requesting a retroactive rebate is submitted no later than December 31, 2025.

    In addition to the DOE Retroactivity for Consumers Checklist summarized above, Wisconsin’s draft application to DOE includes additional requirements, including that applications for retroactive rebates need to be submitted by December 31, 2025. More details on Wisconsin requirements will be provided before program launch.

    6 Can I also receive Focus on Energy rebates and discounts for these same upgrades?

    You may be eligible for Focus on Energy rebates, in addition to certain Home Energy Rebates, if you are a customer of a participating Wisconsin gas or electric utility or cooperative. Review the participating utility list to confirm you are eligible.

    7 How is Focus on Energy involved with IRA Home Energy Rebates Program?

    While Home Energy Rebates is part of a larger Federal program through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), funding to each state is distributed through the Department of Energy’s State and Community Energy Program Office. In Wisconsin, this office is part of our Public Service Commission, which also oversees Focus on Energy. Focus on Energy is Wisconsin utilities’ statewide program for energy efficiency and renewable energy. Focus on Energy was chosen by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to deliver the IRA Home Energy Rebate Programs. IRA programs will be able to take advantage of resources and systems already in place. While the Focus on Energy program is the implementor for the IRA Home Energy Rebate programs, the programs are funded and managed as separate programs and not included in the Focus portfolio.

    8 Want to learn even more about the Home Energy Rebates? Check out these websites.

    Check out DOE's Home Energy Rebates website and for more information.

    For additional inquires, questions, or comments, please email

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