Completed Pilot Programs & Demo Projects Healthy Homes Pilot

About the Pilot

Energy efficiency can be connected to improved health due to its ability to create healthier indoor living environments. As part of the Healthy Homes pilot, Focus on Energy sought to partner with healthcare providers in rural Wisconsin to identify homes with individuals suffering from pediatric asthma. Households would receive a no-cost healthy home assessment identifying energy-related improvements which would also improve indoor air quality. Incentives would be offered by Focus on Energy to cover a portion of the project costs, with additional funding sources being explored to help support the remaining costs.

Project Timeline: April 2022 – December 2022
Customer Segment:

Pilot Objectives

  • Understand the connection between energy efficiency and healthy indoor environments.
  • Develop long-term relationships and partnerships with the healthcare industry.
  • Determine which energy-related improvements were most common in homes occupied by individuals who suffer pediatric asthma.
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Key Outcomes

The pilot successfully partnered with one healthcare system in western Wisconsin and completed healthy home assessments for eight patients. Assessments included indoor air quality monitoring to inform needed improvements. Six homes were upgraded with a combination of improvements, including air sealing, insulation, ventilation, duct cleaning, HEPA vacuums, and bed protectors. The pilot covered 100% of the project costs which averaged around $7,700 per home.

Two additional healthcare networks were engaged with, however due to the pilot being launched during the COVID-19 pandemic, resources were strained and the priority was on patient care. This limited the ability to source projects and develop financial partnerships to facilitate home upgrades.

The pilot also resulted in six contractors being certified as Healthy Home Evaluators through the Building Performance Institute (BPI). This certification allows contractors to assess environmental health and safety hazards in homes and develop a list of recommendations.

Lessons Learned

  • Developing Partnerships: The impact of a global pandemic resulted in healthcare organizations not having capacity to support this pilot. When progress was made with recruitment, it proved most effective to start with the physicians on staff, then gain buy-in from departments concerned with improving the health and care of specific patient populations, before finally reaching the healthcare administration team.
  • Customer Eligibility: Limiting participation to rural ZIP codes proved to be a significant challenge as there were fewer participating natural gas utilities serving the areas most often supported by larger health care systems.

Recommendations and Next Steps

This pilot will not continue due to the challenges in securing partnerships with healthcare organizations.


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