Blog Understanding R-Values and Insulation
Insulation — how does that stuff work? Of course, insulation keeps heat from moving through spaces in your home where it shouldn’t. Knowing more about how it works…
Blog FOCUS ON: Residential Efficient Water Pumps
Let’s explore efficient residential water pumps: what they are, how they work, and how they can save you energy and money.
Blog How Do Heat Pumps Work?
To more easily grasp the differences among the three most popular types of heat pumps, it’s helpful to understand the basics of heat pump technology first.
Blog The Science Behind Heat Pumps
An electric heat pump is an energy-efficient way to keep your home comfortable year-round. But how do they work? Let’s cover the basics.
Blog Know Before You Buy: Financial Considerations and Heat Pumps
Consider the upfront costs BEFORE buying a heat pump. Plus, make sure these more important energy efficiency projects in your home are completed first.
Blog Heat Pump Benefits: Will I Save On Heating and Cooling?
Will installing a heat pump affect your utility bill?
Blog Just the Facts: Air Source Heat Pumps
Let's dispel a couple lingering myths about energy-efficient air source heat pumps.
Blog The Right Heat Pump for Your New Home
Energy-efficient heat pump technology for your new home can help keep you comfortable year-round. Let's help you choose the right heat pump for your home.
Blog Heating & Cooling with a Heat Pump
Which heat pump is right for heating and cooling your home? Find your answer here!
Blog No More Shivering Inside Your Home in Winter
Energy-efficient heat pumps WILL keep you warm all winter...even in frigid temperatures.
Blog Empower Your School with Smart Power Strips
Schools are investing in smart power strips to help control energy consumption.
Blog Focus on Home Safety: Portable Space Heaters
Keeping your home warm is important but keeping it safe is paramount. Make sure your portable space heater keeps you warm, not worried.
Blog Focus on Home Safety: Advanced Power Strips
Keep your home safe and your electronics working properly with an advanced power strip.
Blog Making the Most of Your Ventilation
An ENERGY STAR® certified ventilation fan gives you so many easy ways to save, simply by using it.
Blog Top Tips to Operate a Heat Pump
Whether you already have a heat pump or are looking to install one, you want to be sure to operate the system correctly for top efficiency. This will not only…
Blog Heat Pump 201: Heat Pump Options
Now that you have learned about the basic principles of Heat Pumps and the components of a Heat Pump, we are going to explore the most common types of heat pumps…
Blog Heat Pump 102: How Does a Heat Pump Work?
In Heat Pump 101, you learned the basics about heat pumps and using them to heat and cool your home as well as heat your water. Next, we’ll dive into the inner…
Blog Selecting the Right Appliance for Your Home
Selecting an appliance can be a big investment. The right appliance, though, will save you time and money down the road and make life easier! Here are three key…
Blog Smart Homes Bring Increased Energy Efficiency
Smart homes are not just about making it easier to close the garage, secure the home, turn on the sprinklers, and detect water leaks. Smart homes are also a way to…
Blog Getting the Most Out of Your Dehumidifier
Do you have a dehumidifier that is over 15 years old? If so, it is time to replace it with a new ENERGY STAR® model that better helps you and your home. An ENERGY…
Blog Types of Smart Thermostats
Choosing the right smart thermostat for your home might seem confusing; which is right for your home? Are they different than programmable thermostats? Let's answer…
Blog Smart Thermostat Installation Process
Looking to purchase a smart thermostat, but you are worried about installation? Have you already bought a smart thermostat but it is sitting in the box, on the…
Blog Heat Pump 101
What is a heat pump? The answer is simple: a heat pump pumps heat. It is used to heat and/or cool a home using the same process as your refrigerator.
Blog Air Conditioner Maintenance: Keep Cool and Save
Get More From Your Air Conditioner this Summer
Did you know as much as half the energy used in your home goes to heating and cooling? The impact on energy bills is…
Blog Fun facts about LED lighting to help you make the right choice for your home.
By now, you've probably heard that LEDs are the best option for lighting your home. But did you know LEDs are also used in stoplights, vehicle lights and a…
Blog Get free energy-efficient packs from FOCUS ON ENERGY® this winter!
Are you looking to save energy and money while improving your home comfort this winter? Get started through Focus on Energy — you can choose from six free…
Blog Save with FREE Energy-Saving Products This Fall and Winter
Wisconsin winter is coming, and while this means ice fishing, pond hockey, and snowmobiling, it also means higher than average energy bills. But don't worry!…
Blog Learning the Lightbulb Label
Back when incandescent bulbs were the most common type of lighting, you probably knew how to figure out what the light would look like: just check the watts. The…
Blog LED Color Guide
By now, you've probably heard about ENERGY STAR® LED lighting and why it's so great— LEDs last up to 25 times longer and use up to 90% less energy than incandescent…
Blog Which Smart Thermostat is Right for You?
Dial up the savings with a model that fits your home and budget.
Did you know that smart thermostats can reduce your energy costs by up to $120 annually? Plus,…