No More Shivering Inside Your Home in Winter
Count on energy-efficient heat pump technology to keep you warm all winter.

Cold-Climate Heat Pumps

No one wants to shiver through an entire season. And being cold isn’t acceptable when you’ve just finished upgrading your home heating system.

The good news is that a heat pump can keep you warm through the winter.

Learn the Basics: Heat Pump 101
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Focus on Comfort
Cold-Climate Heat Pumps
Home in winter with air source heat pump
Cold-climate air source heat pump

Modern day heat pump technology has come a long way. Consider the introduction of cold-climate heat pumps – units specifically designed for use in harsh northern climates where temperature swings and record snowfalls are the norm. Winter-ready heat pumps are designed to keep homes comfortable even when temps drop well below 0°F.

Warm Air Removed from Cold Air

An important feature among these cold-climate units is the utilization of an inverter-powered variable speed compressor. These compressors maintain temperature more consistently than conventional, single-speed HVAC equipment. New models boast improved defrosting capabilities as well as flash injection, a feature in which performance is boosted through optimized refrigerant delivery within the unit. What does it mean? Greater efficiency and a warmer house.

Reverse it in Summer
air source heat pump outside in summer
Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall....

Don’t worry, a cold-climate heat pump will still cool down your home when summer comes back around. For more information on heat pumps – including their viability in cold-weather climes – see Focus on Energy’s Electric Heat Pump Customer Buying and Operation Guide for Single-family Homes.

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