Events Energy Efficiency Opportunities for Grocery and Convenience Stores
The goal of this course is to provide participants with a clear understanding of refrigeration systems, common terminology used within the industry, energy-saving…
Events Focus on Energy Presents - Breathe Easy: Energy Efficient Building Ventilation
Indoor air quality (IAQ) impacts people’s health, comfort, and productivity. However, improving indoor air quality often requires a tradeoff between energy…
Events Focus on Energy Presents - Energy Savings Opportunities for Schools
America’s schools spend more on energy than they do on textbooks and computers combined. In this webinar, we will discuss how schools and get smarter about energy…
Events Focus on Energy Presents - Best Practices in Energy Management
An energy management plan should serve as a map to getting a facility on the road to energy efficiency. A good plan not only drives cost savings, but reduces…
Events Focus on Energy Presents - Energy Management Opportunities for Restaurants
This webinar focuses on restaurants and foodservice facilities where refrigeration systems and cooking equipment account for a significant portion of total…
Events Focus on Energy Presents - Converting Energy Audits into a Business Plan
In this webinar, we will explore how to take the results of an energy audit and create a backbone for a business plan for energy efficiency, success and…
Events Photovoltaic Core Training Series - Madison
This is a combination of self-paced and in-person classroom/lab training.
Events Photovoltaic Core Training Series - Green Bay
This is a combination of self-paced and in-person classroom/lab training.
Events Photovoltaic Core Training Series - Eau Claire
This is a combination of self-paced and in-person classroom/lab training.
Events Photovoltaic Core Training Series - Pewaukee
This is a combination of self-paced and in-person classroom/lab training.
Events Power Quality Considerations for EE Retrofits & Renewable Energy Systems
This is a combination of self-paced and in-person classroom/lab training.
Events Introduction to Retro Commissioning
Understand the basic terms, definitions, formulas and thumb rules used to determine the operating costs associated compressed air systems.
Events Compressed Air: Identifying, Analyzing, Implementing Energy Reduction Opps
Understand the basic terms, definitions, formulas and thumb rules used to determine the operating costs associated compressed air systems.
Events Energy Management and Technology: Fundamentals and Beyond
Understand the basic terms, definitions, formulas and thumb rules used to determine the operating costs associated compressed air systems.
Events Power Quality Considerations for EE Retrofits & Renewable Energy Systems
Whether through energy efficiency improvements or by using renewable energy sources, many companies are seeking ways to reduce their cost of electrical energy.
Events Gas vs Electric: And the Winner is ...
As an account manager and trusted energy partner to your customers, you must be able to run credible energy cost/performance comparisons and provide…
Events Achieving Energy Efficiency Improvements for Industrial Refrigeration Systems
An opportunity to learn proven techniques that lead to energy efficiency improvements for industrial refrigeration systems.
Events PV Core Training - Eau Claire
PV Labs & Design Scenarios - PV 304
Events Earth Fest 2023
The event is free to attendees and will feature free food, music, children and family activities, and a Sustainability and Wellness Fair!
Events Power Quality Considerations for EE Retrofits & Renewable Energy Systems
Whether through energy efficiency improvements or by using renewable energy sources, many companies are seeking ways to reduce their cost of electrical energy.
Events Money Talks: Energy-Efficiency Investment Analysis
We'll cover the fundamental financial concepts of energy efficient investment analysis.
Events Refrigeration Energy Efficiency
Learn about the trade-offs associated with operating complex refrigeration systems.
Events Better Together: Energy Efficiency and Public Assembly Buildings
Museums, convention centers, houses of worship, theaters and all other public assembly buildings have unique energy consumption patterns and needs.
Events Energy Management & Technology: Fundamentals & Beyond
This course covers economic efficiency practices, terminology, and analysis, with an emphasis on energy efficient program development and implementation.
Events Rethinking Energy Efficiency in Healthcare Settings
Diagnosing energy consumption and upgrade opportunities in healthcare.