March 5, 2025 8:00 AM
Whether through energy efficiency improvements or by using renewable energy sources, many companies are seeking ways to reduce their cost of electrical energy.
The electronic equipment used to achieve energy savings can be susceptible to electrical power quality and may cause some power quality disturbances of their own. Renewable energy power sources do not produce electricity in a traditional form and can have some unintended effects on some electronic equipment.
This training seminar addresses the power quality aspects of both energy efficiency retrofits and the use of renewable energy sources. It provides an overview of the effects on electrical power quality associated with some energy efficiency improvements and the use of renewable energy power sources. This course provides useful information that can help these projects to be implemented without adverse side effects.
This training seminar is presented in partnership with Power Quality Specialists.
Course credits: This course offers four (4) DSPS continuing education credits.
Tuition: There is no charge to participate in this webinar however, registration is required.
Register by: February 28, 2025
Any questions, please contact: Lisa Lee @