Overture Center for the Arts

Overture Center for the Arts


Madison, WI

Alliant Energy

Backstage at Overture Center for the Arts is a symphony of well-rehearsed operations.

The show must go on regardless of Wisconsin's sometimes dramatic weather. The irreplaceable art showcased within this iconic Madison building requires precise conditions for safe display of our cultural legacies. This fine dance occurs within a four-walled building that must also operate under the practical realities of maintaining and replacing boilers and other expensive equipment.

With two failing boilers, the Overture Center’s Board of Directors embarked on a replacement campaign to install energy-saving technology. Like an understudy that rises to the occasion under a hot spotlight, this project was made possible thanks to an $8,960 incentive from Focus on Energy.

Over their estimated lifetime, the new boilers will save more than 370,000 therms of natural gas (the equivalent of saving 25 tanker trucks of gasoline).

Working with PBBS, a long-time Focus on Energy Trade Ally, Overture Center chose to install burner controls on the boilers to achieve the same precision that Michelangelo himself may have pursued.

“The new boilers are part of Overture’s plan to save energy while still providing a quality environment for our patrons’ artistic experiences,” said Glenn Weihert, Overture’s facilities director. “We now have better control and can maintain the equipment in-house, providing yet another level of efficiency.”

As Wisconsin’s energy efficiency and renewable energy program, Focus on Energy is funded by Wisconsin’s more than 100 investor-owned energy utilities and participating municipal and electric and natural gas cooperative utilities.

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Overture Center

Madison, WI
Alliant Energy (Wisconsin Power & Light)

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