Brown County

Brown County

Brown County, WI
Wisconsin Public Service

Focus on Energy, Wisconsin's statewide program for energy efficiency and renewable energy, along with Wisconsin Public Service Corporation (WPS), presented Brown County with an incentive check for $133,098 following the completion of energy efficient upgrades including packaged rooftop units, boiler upgrades, efficient infrared heaters, lighting retrofits, and boiler tune-ups.

Brown County has a long history of working with Focus on Energy. Previously completed projects include installations of efficient lighting, insulation improvements, efficient boilers, solar electric systems, efficient motors, HVAC tune-ups, vending machine controls, solar water heating, and variable frequency drives. This past year, Brown County took advantage of a special Focus on Energy program, the WPS Schools and Government Program, which promoted innovative energy reduction through advanced efficiency equipment retrofits. Brown County was a recipient of a competitive $25,000 WPS grant for energy efficiency projects while also receiving additional incentive funding supported by Focus on Energy and the WPS Energy Bundle Bonus program for energy projects completed. Brown County is expected to see nearly $48,000 in annual energy cost savings.

“We truly value the working relationship between Focus on Energy, Wisconsin Public Service and Brown County,” states Brown County Executive Troy Streckenbach “and we recognize the significance of this gift both, today and the long term benefits that Brown County will see well into the future.”

With these projects now complete, Brown County is expected to reduce more than 85 (kW) kilowatts of energy demand, while saving 337,506 (kWh) kilowatt-hours of electricity, and 18,882 Therms — enough energy to power 53 homes for one year. Not only will these upgrades save the county energy and money, but they are also environmentally friendly. The annual environmental benefits are equivalent to offsetting 989 barrels of burned oil and taking 71 cars off the road – eliminating more than 793,112 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) from being released into the atmosphere.

Brown County, WI
WPS (Wisconsin Public Service)

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