Saving Energy Raises Funds for Nonprofits in New Richmond

Conserving energy at home showed residents that small changes make big differences


New Richmond residents raised $9,882 in donations for three, local nonprofits in the FOCUS ON ENERGY® “Save to Give Challenge” and have an opportunity to donate more in October. By the end of April, 267 households were taking easy actions to save energy at home and raising money for Five Loaves Food Shelf, Will’s Playground, and the New Richmond School District’s SOAR Center Student Farm.

The “Save to Give Challenge,” is a partnership between Focus on Energy, New Richmond Utilities, and the City of New Richmond that offers residents the chance to earn donations for local nonprofits by taking no- and low-cost steps to save energy at home, like turning off lights or programming the thermostat.

Parade in New Richmond Promoting Save to Give Program

Participating residents each raised an average of $37 in January and April for their favorite nonprofit, while some who participated raised over $100 individually. The total donations are split proportionally among the three nonprofits based on how much energy residents saved on their behalf.

By taking easy energy-saving actions, participants made a HUGE impact for these nonprofits:

Five Loaves Food Shelf: “By saving energy in January and April, New Richmond residents raised enough money to feed over 1,200 of their neighbors,” said Five Loaves Manager, Jennifer Hanson. “Food insecurity is growing quickly in the area and your support of Five Loaves is appreciated.”

New Richmond School District’s SOAR Center: “The Save to Give Challenge has been a great way for the SOAR Center community supporters to engage in raising funds to help with the daily costs of running the farm,” SOAR Educational Center Founder Rachel Sauvola said. “During these challenging times, when the cost of agricultural farm products is high, it is helpful to have this financial support. Thank you to all who have chosen the SOAR Center as their beneficiary through the months of January and April!”

Will’s Playground: “We are so grateful for the energy-saving actions taken by New Richmond residents,” said Teresa De Young, Lead Volunteer of Will’s Playground. “Each action recorded brings us one step closer to building. This playground will allow kids of all abilities to play and grow together. Thank you!”

Miss out on the January and April donation campaigns? It is not too late to support your favorite nonprofit in the “Save to Give Challenge!” Enrollment is still open online at

In October, continuing and new participants alike can record how they are saving energy to raise even more donations. Things like turning off lights, adjusting the thermostat this summer, and unplugging unused electronics are all ways you can save energy and raise money.Save to Give promoting at an event

Up to $25,000 can be raised for the three nonprofits this year – but it will take a lot more residents to get us there. This challenge is a great opportunity for New Richmond residents to come together and support community organizations, as well as take steps to reduce their energy bills and live more energy-efficient lives.

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