Nonprofit Saved When Lodi Residents Started Saving Energy

The “Save to Give Challenge” helped raise $10,018 for three nonprofits


Lodi, WI - Focus on Energy’s® “Save to Give Challenge” ended for Lodi residents with a celebration, a check presentation during Susie the Duck Day, and an amazing announcement from a Lodi nonprofit. The “Save to Give Challenge” allowed residents to earn donations for three Lodi nonprofits, Reach Out Lodi, Prairie Valley Resale Store, Lodi Parent-Teacher Organization, by taking energy-saving actions inside their homes. At the event, Prairie Valley Resale Store announced the donation they received, nearly $5,000, paid for three months of rent allowing them to remain open for the community.

“The pandemic just shredded us,” Jenny Larson, Store Manager of Prairie Valley Resale Store told the crowd. “This is good to know that we have three more months that we don’t have to sweat it out and worry. This is incredible. Thank you, Lodi!"

Lodi has participated in two Save to Give Challenge campaigns, one in the winter and one in the summer. The winter campaign focused on winter energy saving actions such as turning down thermostats, turning off lights when not needed, and installing items such as low flow shower heads and LED bulbs provided by Focus on Energy. This campaign had 116 participants who raised $6,000 for Lodi’s nonprofits.

The summer campaign focused on summer energy saving strategies such as opening windows at night and using fans instead of air conditioning. 138 residents participated in the summer campaign and they raised a total of $4,018. In addition to the money raised by the participants, Lodi Utilities in partnership with WPPI Energy donated $2,100.

“Through the Save to Give Challenge we were able to raise money to support our local nonprofits, while also promoting saving energy in our community. It was a win-win” Said Ann Groves Lloyd, Mayor of Lodi “We saw great community participation in the challenge, and in the end raised $10,018 total.”

Prairie Valley Resale Store received $4,931.96, Reach Out Lodi received $4,344.77, and Lodi Parent Teacher Organization received $741.26.

Even though the campaigns have ended, the “Save to Give Challenge” will have a lasting impact on the Lodi community. In a survey completed near the end of the second campaign, 58.8% of participants reported they have learned new ways to save energy and plan to continue taking more energy saving actions in the future.

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