Lower Your Heating Bills and Focus on Your Home

Simple Changes Now Help Save Money and Energy Later


Home heating costs, regardless of how you heat your home, have Wisconsin residents looking for ways to save money and energy. FOCUS ON ENERGY®, Wisconsin utilities’ statewide program for energy efficiency and renewable energy, offers a variety of incentives to help offset the higher energy costs Wisconsin residents are facing this winter.

“Wisconsin’s utilities want customers to consume energy efficiently and their partnership with Focus on Energy helps achieve that goal,” said Lisa Stefanik, Managing Director for Focus on Energy. “Energy efficiency products and the incentives Focus on Energy provides help manage energy expenses when costs rise.”

When it is cold outside, we turn to the comfort and safety of our homes. It takes a lot of energy to heat and power those homes, which in turn means higher energy bills, especially this winter. Focus on these five easy actions to get started.

Smart Thermostats

  • Smart thermostats are Wi-Fi enabled and have programmable functionality.
  • A smart thermostat can learn your temperature preferences and establish a schedule that automatically adjusts to energy-saving temperatures.
  • A smart thermostat monitors your heating and cooling system and can notify you if something is not right.
  • It can also send helpful reminders such as seasonal maintenance tips like when it is time to replace your filter.
  • Smart thermostats can be controlled remotely making it easy to monitor and adjust the home temperature while you are away.

Focus on Energy and several smart thermostat manufacturers have a President’s Day sale happening now until February 23. Emerson Sensi Smart Thermostats and Google Nest Smart Thermostats are available for $24.99! After that, the manufacturer discount disappears, and the thermostats will only have the $75 Focus on Energy rebate until March 31.

Instant discounts and free shipping are available on the Focus on Energy Online Marketplace. You can also shop at a local retailer or work with your local Trade Ally contractor and submit for a rebate after purchase. Visit our smart thermostat page for more information.

Heating and Cooling

  • Furnaces over 15-years-old are not helping your home heating bills.
  • If your furnace has reached this age or if you are noticing loud noises coming from the furnace it is time for an upgrade.
  • Energy-efficient heating and cooling systems can consume up to 30% less energy while keeping you comfortable with consistent temperatures.
  • The most efficient way to stay comfortable through all four seasons is a dual fuel heat pump. Focus on Energy is now offering a $1,000 incentive to help more homeowners take advantage of this ultra-efficient technology,

Focus on Energy Residential Solutions offer incentives for qualified heating and cooling equipment when you make improvements using a Focus on Energy Trade Ally contractor.

Insulation and Air Sealing

Focus on Energy Trade Allies work with homeowners to determine opportunities for increased home comfort and savings. A Trade Ally can perform an energy assessment to pinpoint where heated air is escaping in the winter and cooled air is escaping in the summer. This determines the next steps to lowering your energy bill. Some simple attic insulation projects can be completed by the handy do-it-yourselfer and may even qualify for incentives.

FREE Energy-Saving Packs

  • Eligible Wisconsin residents can hop online and order Energy-Saving Packs from Focus on Energy for FREE. (Limit of one pack per eligible household per year. Pack contents may vary.)
  • The Packs include a variety of products designed to help you focus on reducing energy waste. Choose from packs that include energy-efficient LED bulbs, showerheads, sink aerators, advanced power strips, and more!
  • Our packs are shipped directly to your door.

Order your free pack now at focusonenergymarketplace.com/free.

Advanced Power Strips

  • Computers, TVs (the larger the screen, the more energy used), cable or satellite TV boxes, kitchen appliances, video game systems, and phone chargers are just a few of the electronics drawing energy even when not in use. Advanced power strips can stop that energy waste.
  • These power strips turn off energy flow to devices, so they do not keep using energy while they are in standby mode.

There are many different types of advanced power strips to choose from. Focus on Energy offers several on the Online Marketplace.

Small changes you make now can help instantly lower your utility bills. Start planning now for your next energy-efficient improvement and make 2022 the year you focus on your home!

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