Focus on Energy Celebrates 20 Years of Energy Savings for Wisconsin

The Program reflects on two decades of energy efficiency and renewable energy operations


Madison, Wis. – The start of 2021 brings a commemorative milestone: FOCUS ON ENERGY®, Wisconsin’s energy efficiency and renewable energy services program, is celebrating 20 years of operations to deliver energy- and cost-saving solutions to Wisconsinites.

“Energy efficiency is the most cost-effective way to drive down utility bills and avoid new construction of costly generation and transmission facilities,” said Rebecca Cameron Valcq, Chairperson of the Public Service Commissions of Wisconsin. “For decades, Focus on Energy has consistently demonstrated its value to our state. Our continued investment in Focus on Energy will bring immediate benefits that will pay dividends to customers and utilities for decades to come.”

Since its beginnings in 2001, Focus on Energy has provided financial incentives, educational resources, and various programs in coordination with its statewide network of utility partners and energy experts. Today, the Program partners with 107 utilities across the state to help Wisconsin residents and businesses reduce energy waste.

Upholding its mission to “empower smart energy decisions and enduring economic benefits for Wisconsin,” Focus on Energy produced noteworthy accomplishments as it grew over the past two decades. A few recent achievements are detailed in the following list:

  • The Program has won 13 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence Awards from the Environmental Protection Agency for continued leadership in energy efficiency program implementation.
  • Each year of Focus on Energy program operations will create at least 5,250 jobs through 2042, as revealed in an economic impact analysis for the Program’s 2015 – 2018 quadrennium.
  • The same analysis also reported that, between 2015 – 2018, Focus on Energy distributed nearly $250 million in incentives to residents and businesses who participated in its programs.
  • To date, Focus on Energy has awarded more than 50 business participants with an Energy Efficiency Excellence Award for demonstrating outstanding commitment to improving energy efficiency in their business facilities, management and operations. Winners for 2020 are featured in a newly released energy efficiency roadmap of Wisconsin.
  • A federal study completed in 2018 revealed Wisconsin runs the most cost-effective energy efficiency programs in the nation in terms of energy savings per dollar spent.

Additionally, Focus on Energy’s most recent independent evaluation revealed that the Program generated $87,807,752 in health benefits for Wisconsin in 2019, accumulated by reduced emissions. The same report showed that program participant satisfaction with Focus on Energy reached 9.3 on a 10-point scale in 2019 and found every $1 invested in Focus on Energy generates $4.80 in benefits for Wisconsin, including economic benefits, reduced energy costs, and reduced pollution.

“These independent evaluation results consistently show the value Focus on Energy brings to Wisconsinites,” said Focus on Energy Program Director Erinn Monroe. “We’re proud to contribute positively to Wisconsin’s economy and to the future of sustainable energy practices.”

To celebrate the 20th anniversary, Focus on Energy released a new, enhanced logo for its year-long campaign reminiscing the Program’s progress, successes, and other noteworthy events. Past program participants can submit their stories and experiences with Focus on Energy for a chance to be featured and to share the widespread impact the Program brought to its greater Wisconsin community. The form to share a Focus on Energy participant story is available at

The Program also plans to release a 20-year overview on its website featuring a timeline highlighting significant events and successes throughout its history.

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