February 8, 2022 4:30 PM
Kalahari Resort
Wisconsin Dells
Highlights include: 2 full days; in-booth exhibitor presentations; multiple classroom sessions; exhibit hall; CEC's available; competitions; daily raffle prize drawing, networking and more!
Registration Fee Per Person: $65/Both Days or $45/One Day (includes continental breakfast & lunch)
WWOA and WIAWWA Seminars are separate fees (watch for more details coming soon):
WWOA Seminar 2/8: $99/includes one-day pass to Tuesday Expo
WIAWWA Distribution Seminar 2/9: $99/includes one-day pass to Wednesday Expo
Hotel Information: $109.00/night - booking website: https://book.passkey.com/event/50257105/owner/49796246/home: or call the Kalahari directly at 877-253-5466 and ask for the WI WATER block. Block expires on 1/9 (they will not able to guarantee the rate or room availability after that date)
Continuing Education Credits: You can earn 5 Municipal Water or Wastewater hours per day (Seminars have separate CECs). Operators must scan in and out at the registration desk to be eligible for credits.