Show your home some love this Valentine’s Day

Red bowl of colorful conversation hearts on a white backdrop with conversation heart candy spilled over the side.
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Your home is where memories are made with family, friends and loved ones. It’s always there for you, providing warmth, comfort and happiness when you need it most. So, as you celebrate Valentine’s Day, don’t forget that winter is the perfect time to give your home some extra care. We’ve put together a list of easy steps you can take to improve comfort and energy savings through the chilly season.

Keep your vents clear
This will keep the air flowing as efficiently as possible. Always position furniture so the registers can circulate air in the room.

Avoid space heaters
It’s much more cost-effective to solve the root of the problem—for example, cold air leaking into your home or furnace issues.

Replace filters regularly
Set a reminder to check your furnace and air conditioner filters once a month. According to, most filters should be replaced every 1 to 3 months, following manufacturer’s instructions.

Be smart with your thermostat
Adjust the temperature to save energy when you’re away. A smart thermostat does this automatically and even lets you control settings remotely.

Insulate exposed pipes
Insulating hot water pipes saves energy and water because the water arrives warmer and heats up faster. Insulating cold water pipes also saves energy and protects against freezing.

Use spot ventilation
To prevent potential mold issues the Home Ventilating Institute recommends you run the ventilation fan in the bathroom while showering or bathing, and let it run for another 20 minutes afterward.

Open drapes
Closing drapes and blinds lowers the temperature of the glass and will increase condensation. Open window coverings during the day to allow the warm air in the room to warm window surfaces.

Want to make an even bigger difference for your home? Our FOCUS ON ENERGY® Trade Ally contractors can help with energy-saving improvements from new insulation and air sealing to heating and cooling upgrades. Find a contractor today and ask about financial incentives from Focus on Energy.

Posted February 2020.

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