Prep for summer with these easy home energy savers

A white fan sits on a wooden floor in front of a white background.

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A comfortable home means more summer smiles. When the hot weather arrives, here are some simple ways you and your family can stay cool while keeping your energy costs low.

Have your air conditioner serviced
You’ll keep your cooling system running efficiently, save on energy bills, prevent costly breakdowns, and enjoy cleaner, healthier indoor air.

Stay cool with fans
Ceiling fans can make your home feel about four degrees cooler than it really is. Switch your fans to counterclockwise in the summer. And to save energy, remember to turn them off when you leave the room, since fans cool people, not the space.

Use window shades
Keep blinds, shades and curtains closed on hot sunny days and open in colder weather or in the evenings.

Replace filters regularly
Set a reminder to check your furnace and air conditioner filters once a month. According to, most filters should be replaced every 1 to 3 months, following manufacturer’s instructions.

Use the barbeque
Save some energy by cooking outside on the grill instead of using your oven. It’s delicious and keeps your home from heating up. Using your microwave whenever possible is another good option.

Clean your A/C unit
Get better A/C performance by keeping the outdoor condensing unit free of shrubbery, leaves, lawn clippings, trees, branches and vines.

If your home was feeling stuffy last summer, our FOCUS ON ENERGY® Trade Ally contractors are happy to take a look to see what improvements will bring you more comfort and energy savings this year. Find a contractor and learn how you can save on insulation, cooling upgrades and more.

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