How Schools Earn Points in the Renew our Schools Competition

Renew Our Schools runs competitions between schools across the nation. Currently, ten Wisconsin schools are competing for cash and prizes in this six-week energy challenge. Schools earn points by saving energy and completing school energy actions. Points are awarded based on various activities in the following categories:

  1. Plan – Nothing is worth doing without a plan. Schools get points in this category by creating an energy team, setting goals, and conducting a school energy audit.
  2. Promote – This is the time for the energy team to shine! Schools get points for presenting at staff meetings, creating daily announcements, and providing energy demonstrations. The more buy-in schools can get, the greater their chances of success.
  3. Educate – Teachers are provided with STEM-based learning resources to educate students on kilowatts, light meters, and how to use the electricity monitor. This category offers points to students who learn about different types of energy, tour a local energy source, and invite energy experts to share their knowledge.
  4. Motivate – It is easy to revert to the way things have always been done. This category challenges students and staff to stay strong with their energy efficiency efforts through homeroom competitions and energy-saving events.
  5. Evaluate – This category provides participants a chance to reflect on their challenges and successes. Completing an Energy Action Plan and encouraging the school to adopt an Admin-signed Energy Policy will earn schools’ points in this category.

The Renew Our Schools competition provides the tools and resources to help your school succeed. If your district is interested in learning more about Renew Our Schools, visit to fill out an interest form. Applications are being accepted until March 31, 2022, for the fall competition scheduled for October 3 to November 11, 2022.

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