Easy Fixes for Drafty Homes

Keep cozy this winter by eliminating the drafts in your home. From simple DIY fixes to more comprehensive long-term solutions, we’ve got you covered.

Consider an energy assessment

Scheduling an energy assessment is a great way to make sure you catch all of your home’s hidden air leaks. A FOCUS ON ENERGY® Trade Ally contractor will give a thorough inspection to find trouble spots that can cause comfort issues, high energy bills and potential health concerns. You’ll also get a custom report with recommended solutions and incentive opportunities.

Watch Robbie’s video to see how Wisconsin homeowners can benefit from an energy assessment.

Lock windows and apply weatherstripping

Window locks pull sashes together. Simply locking your windows helps close the space where air commonly leaks through. If you have double-hung windows, you can pull down the top sash and insert weatherstripping along the top edge before closing the locks.

Weatherize exterior doors

Tiny gaps around a door can let in as much air as a small window open halfway. Feel for drafts around your exterior doors and apply weatherstripping to the sides and top, and new door sweeps at the bottom if needed. You can also use physical barriers like door snakes (long tubes filled with sand) at the foot of a door to block drafts.

Seal air leaks and insulate

Some air leaks you may be able to seal on your own if you’re handy –– check out our resources for DIY projects. Other projects require a professional –– another reason to consider getting a home energy assessment. Pay particular attention to your attic. Common problem areas include:

  • Behind knee walls
  • Attic hatch
  • Wiring holes
  • Plumbing vents
  • Recessed lights
  • Furnace flue or duct chaseways
  • Basement rim joists
  • Windows and doors

Proper attic insulation also makes a big difference. For greater comfort and energy efficiency, choose insulation levels that have an R-value of R-49 or higher for your attic.

For more information on how to eliminate drafts, see our insulation and air sealing incentives and resources.

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