3 Easy Ways to Save Water
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Pop quiz: How many lakes does Wisconsin have? The answer’s not as simple as you think. The official tally is 15,074—significantly higher than our neighbors to the west, who are famous for these bodies of water—but that figure has been passionately debated.

Regardless, protecting our natural resources and conserving water is more important now than ever. That’s why, in honor of World Water Day, we wanted to bring you some simple ways to save water at home.

Swap Your Showerhead

You’ve been practicing nailing that high note in the shower each morning. We can’t help with that, but if you’re ready to change your tune when it comes to protecting the planet, we’re here for you. Our FREE water-saving pack is stuffed to the gills with products, like an ENERGY STAR® certified handheld showerhead and faucet aerators.

Order your free pack here, and we’ll deliver it right to your door.

Load up the Dishwasher

Here’s the excuse you’ve been looking for to skip all that post-meal scrubbing. If your dishwasher is ENERGY STAR® certified or built after 2013, you’ll only be using 3–5 gallons of water per load, compared to about 11 gallons when you wash by hand. Just don’t forget to fill it up all the way!

Fix Leaks

Not only is the constant “plink… plink...” sound incredibly annoying, but all those drips and drops of a leaky pipe or faucet can really add up—about 110 gallons of water wasted each month. That’s why it’s important to fix leaky pipes and faucets!

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