Participating Utilities

Focus on Energy is Wisconsin utilities' statewide energy efficiency and renewable resource program funded by the state's investor-owned energy utilities and participating municipal electric utilities and electric cooperatives.

Focus on Energy programs are available to customers of participating Wisconsin gas and electric utilities and cooperatives.

Participating Utility List
Resources for Our Utility Partners
  1. Need collateral for your office or next bill insert? Search through our available Marketing Materials to see what's available.
  2. Curious about the latest program changes? Visit our Updates page to get the latest information that will affect your customers.
  3. Want Focus on Energy to attend your next event or know of an event Focus should attend? Fill out our Community Outreach Request form.

Programs are available to customers of participating utilities. Utilities are listed in alphabetical order.

Note: Some programs require that a resident must be a customer of a participating natural gas AND electric utility. Florence Utilities customers are eligible for Focus rebates and incentives related to improvements that reduce their electric energy usage and for renewable energy rebates. Florence Utilities customers are not eligible for rebates and incentives related to improvements that reduce their natural gas usage.

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