Focus on Energy provides instant discounts on select water heating equipment. Ask your Trade Ally contractor if they work with a participating distributor and if the water heater you are choosing qualifies for an instant discount.
Water heaters account for almost 20% of the energy used in the average home—more than a refrigerator, dishwasher, clothes washer, and dryer combined. An efficient water heater can save homeowners up to $300 per year.
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Electric heat pump water heaters, use 50% less electricity compared to standard electric water heaters.* To maximize efficiency, heat pump water heaters transfer heat from the surrounding air to heat the water.
Indirect water heaters use your home's existing HVAC system (e.g., Boiler or furnace) to heat water that is stored in a tank and distributed when needed.
Natural gas tankless water heaters heat water as it is needed and for as long as you need it, helping to save 25%-50% in water heating costs over a standard tank-type heater. These water heaters don’t have a tank, so they are less susceptible to leaks and they have a more compact design.