Building Optimization

Efficient Operations

The interactive effects of mechanical, lighting, and control systems can make it challenging to know how to make your building operate more efficiently. No matter your building size, systems, or staffing resources, Focus on Energy has an offering for you.

Compare: Whole Building vs. Retro Commissioning
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Retrocommissioning (RCx) is the process of improving the performance and energy efficiency of building systems, equipment, and operations as a whole. RCx can help you save up to 16% each year on energy bills and produce project paybacks of less than one year. The Focus on Energy RCx offering provides assistance in identifying and implementing system and operational changes at your facility, leading to significant energy and cost savings for your organization.

While any facility size can participate in RCx, buildings at least five years old and over 5,000 ft2 are typically the best fit.

RCx Enrollment Application
Whole Building Tune-Up
Energy Engineers

If RCx isn’t a good fit for you, you can still improve your building’s operations through Whole Building Tune-up (WBTU). WBTU provides up to $1,850 in incentives for completing specific tune-up measures on your heating, cooling, or ventilation systems.

For more information, see theWBTU Fact Sheet [PDF] and WBTU vs. RCx Overview [PDF]

Find a participating Whole Building Tune-up Trade Ally to get started.

Find a Trade Ally
Ready to take your services to the next level?
Are you a Trade Ally interested in bringing Whole Building Tune-up (WBTU) services to your customers?

Provide your customer with a Building Health Report as part of your WBTU services and earn an additional $200 for your company.

Strategic Energy Management
man with laptop

Strategic Energy Management (SEM) is a long-term approach to managing energy. The process starts with a regression-based energy model capturing the performance impacts of production changes, weather, and other industry-specific variables which is used to build a customized energy-management plan. In addition to Focus on Energy technical support, financial incentives are also available on low- and no-cost validated energy improvements which may not otherwise be eligible for Focus on Energy incentives.

SEM is a good fit for organizations looking to advance energy-management capabilities, establish a continuous energy-management improvement process, and ready to move beyond project-by-project energy savings. Contact your Energy Advisor to get started today.

Strategic Energy Management Guide

Benchmarking is a way for building operators to understand how their energy usage stacks up against buildings of a similar size and type. The process starts by gathering a building’s historical energy consumption data and using a tool, such as ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager®, to analyze and compare energy usage information. The result is a building owner (and occupants) who understand how their building uses energy so they can make smarter and more cost-effective facility improvements.

Nearly all businesses benefit from benchmarking and can use the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool. ENERGY STAR offers a wide variety of resources and trainings to help get started.

Qualified commercial and industrial customers can earn rewards for benchmarking through Practical Energy Management. See the Practical Energy Management Enrollment Guide [PDF]

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