Customized Solutions From Your Energy Advisor

Your Energy Advisor will uncover energy efficiency opportunities and help develop an customized solution action plan with the goal to reduce energy costs. Find an Energy Advisor to help you get started today or, contact a Focus on Energy representative at 800.762.7077.

Incentives for Property Owners

Focus on Energy provides resources and incentives to help multifamily property owners reduce energy costs, while improving building comfort and tenant satisfaction. Energy-efficient building improvements are a smart move for property owners as they often lead to:

  • Greater tenant satisfaction and lower turnover rates.
  • Fewer maintenance issues and associated costs.
  • Lower operating and energy costs.

Focus on Energy offers incentives for in-unit and common area upgrades for multifamily properties with four or more units under one roof.

Get Started

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Heating, Cooling, and Ventilation

If your units’ equipment is more than 10–15 years old or needs frequent repairs, it could be time to replace it with new, more energy-efficient technology. Smart energy upgrades, such as a new furnaces, boilers, smart thermostats, or air source heat pumps, could save you and your tenants money by significantly reducing the energy you use while maintaining or even improving the comfort in your building.

Heating & Cooling Incentives


Updating your interior and exterior lighting can be a great first step when it comes to making your building efficient. Lighting makes up 17% of all electricity consumed in U.S. commercial buildings, meaning there are plenty of opportunities to make your lighting more energy efficient. Whether upgrading fixtures or integrating connected controls, Focus on Energy can help you cut down on wasted light and heat alike, saving you real money on your electric bill.

Lighting Incentives
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Building Envelope

Properly insulating and air sealing your building are two of the most important steps you can take to lower your energy costs. The year-round comfort provided by these upgrades means your tenants are more likely to stick around. To determine whether you should add insulation, you first need to find out how much you already have.

Insulation & Air Sealing Incentives Find a Trade Ally

Water Heating

Water heating accounts for about 18% of your building’s energy use. Reducing your hot water use, using energy-saving strategies, and choosing an energy-efficient water heater for your building can help you reduce your monthly water heating bills.

Water Heating Incentives
Multifamily water heater boiler
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Solar Energy

Increase the value of your building and attract tenants who want clean energy. To capture sunlight, solar panels are strategically placed on roofs or ground mounted to maximize exposure to the sun. Systems are silent, very reliable, and require little ongoing maintenance.

Solar PV Incentives

New Construction: Energy Design Assistance (EDA) and Energy Design (EDR)

Building projects over 5,000 sq. ft. in the early stages of planning and design can maximize energy savings and incentives by participating in EDA. Through EDA, you will receive a free, customized, whole-building analysis of energy-saving design options.

Multifamily new construction and renovation projects further along in the design journey can participate in a simplified process called EDR. Like EDA, EDR includes a whole-building analysis of multiple design options, with owner incentives based on the building’s overall energy savings.

Learn More Overview
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New Construction Online Tool

If you’ve previously participated or know your project is a good fit for EDA, apply now. Our New Construction Online Tool will guide you to the right path if you’re unsure or want to explore options.

Operations and Maintenance Program Offering

Benefits of an Efficient Building

Improve your multifamily building with a few quick adjustments and reduce your operating costs. Many projects can be completed by your maintenance staff with little to no upfront cost. Earn incentives for each action you take. For more information, review the Operations & Maintenance Overview. For more detailed information, review the Operations & Maintenance Guide.

Call an Energy Advisor to Get Started Today! Operations & Maintenance Guide Operations & Maintenance Overview Operations & Maintenance Application
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Success Stories

The Blaine Ott Apartment Complex received $3,483 in cash incentives for energy-saving updates that are expected to bring energy costs savings of 16%–19%.

The Masters Residences Phase 2 Apartments is an example of how a commercial property owner used C-PACE financing and cash incentives for their new construction project. The project will save an estimated $78,243 per year and $2,034,313 over the course of the loan in utility costs and water savings.

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Applications must be submitted within 60 days of completed project installation, no later than January 31, 2025.

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