Fun facts about LED lighting to help you make the right choice for your home.

Image of lighting with different shades/warmth with a text overlay that reads "Fun facts about LED lighting to help you make the right choice for your home."

By now, you’ve probably heard that LEDs are the best option for lighting your home. But did you know LEDs are also used in stoplights, vehicle lights and a variety of electronics? Finding LED bulbs that fit your needs can be tricky as a first-time buyer. Here’s some information to help get you started.

1. LEDs are the most efficient type of lightbulb.
Unlike incandescent bulbs, which release 90% of their energy as heat, LEDs use energy far more efficiently with little wasted heat. Every time you flip a switch, you’re getting your money’s worth.

2. According to ENERGY STAR® , the typical LED lifespan is at least 35,000 hours.
Think of it this way: If an LED bulb is installed in a newborn baby’s room today, that bulb would work until they enter high school. It could even last until their first day of college!

3. Watts don’t tell you much about an LED’s brightness – lumens do.
In the past, the most common way people figured out the type of lightbulb they needed by looking at the wattage, which is a unit of power. The higher the wattage, the brighter the bulb.

For LEDs, the number of lumens measures brightness. The higher the lumens, the brighter the bulb. Look for the lumen count on the box when shopping for new lighting. Check out our previous blog post for more information on LED lumens and wattage.

4. LEDs have a variety of color temperatures.
Color temperature measures the warmth or coolness of a light source. The higher the temperature in Kelvins (K), the bluer the light. Lower K temperatures typically have a yellow appearance. LEDs with a lower color temperature can create a cozy and calming living room or bedroom space, while those with a higher color temperature are very bright and great for a kitchen or workspace.

Ready to upgrade?
Download our lighting fact sheet to learn more. Don’t forget to sign up here for a free FOCUS ON ENERGY® energy-saving pack, which includes a variety of LEDs, or visit our Online Marketplace to order LEDs and other energy-efficient products.

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