Standard larger capacity ultra-low temperature (ULT) freezer models and lab grade refrigerators consume nearly as much energy as the average U.S. household, whereas an ENERGY STAR® unit can cut this usage by more than 50%. This pilot incentivizes the purchase of energy-efficient (ULT) freezers and lab grade refrigerators. Wisconsin fosters a dynamic biosciences growth market with 350+ biotech and pharma businesses, 150+ hospitals and medical centers, and more than seven universities/colleges engaged in life sciences research making it an ideal market for this technology. The pilot is targeting the sale of 500 units.
Project Timeline: April 2023 - December 2025
Sector: Business
Pilot Objectives:
Three projects are enrolled in this pilot, and recruitment has closed. Monitoring equipment has been installed to gather pre-integration energy usage data at each site. One project successfully completed the NLC and BAS integration in Q2 2024 and is moving into post-integration monitoring. Monitoring will continue after full integration at the two other sites to determine energy savings.
Three projects are enrolled in this pilot, and recruitment has closed. Monitoring equipment has been installed to gather pre-integration energy usage data at each site. One project successfully completed the NLC and BAS integration in Q2 2024 and is moving into post-integration monitoring. Monitoring will continue after full integration at the two other sites to determine energy savings.
If you are interested in this program, reach out to one of our participating distributors or contact the Focus on Energy representative at
To learn more or to participate in this pilot, reach out to the Focus on Energy at