The purpose of this project was to help Focus on Energy identify potential savings opportunities from new, energy efficient standalone (portable) dehumidifiers for single-family basement applications and to explore the load flexibility and demand savings of these units via testing curtailment during peak load conditions.
Contributor: Center for Energy and Environment
Project Timeline: August 2020 – November 2021
Research Objectives:
Research objectives focused on determining how Focus on Energy can take advantage of the remote-control hardware on dehumidifiers to create a combined energy efficiency and load shaping offering. Research objectives include:
Key Findings
The research suggests the energy efficiency and load control potential from dehumidifiers is high, and Wi-Fi controls and other models can offer a low-cost method to capture load shaping potential. This load shaping potential represents an added value stream for participating utilities that could further justify and help fund Focus on Energy program investments, as dehumidifiers are currently a gap in the Program’s portfolio. The project conducted research and analysis in four areas:
The research provided the following conclusions:
Project Reports:
Final Report
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